Schwarzwald Brennerei Prämierung

Award-winning brandies

Wir gratulieren der Schwarzwaldbrennerei und Herrn Markus Kalmbach herzlich zu den prämierten Bränden. Gleich zweimal gab es dieses Jahr Gold vom Verband der Klein- und Obstbrenner e.V. für den leckeren Orangengeist und den einzigartigen Emmer-Dinkel-Einkorn Kornbrand.

We are proud to carry these first-class spirits in our range. These hand-crafted eaux-de-vie are characterised by their exceptional quality and reflect the unique tradition of the Black Forest. Visit the distillery’s website to find out more about the award-winning products and the association’s website to view the awards.

We would also be delighted to present you with the two documents:

Certificate 1

Certificate 2


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